• Music Recording

The studio runs an Apple iMac 3.06hz, 8 GB Ram featuring Logic Pro X as it's recording platform along with the 16 track TASCAM US 1641 interface sound card. Studio Monitoring is by Behringer Truth B2031A speakers. The studio provides the following instruments: Rhode NT 2 vocal microphone, Roland VG 8 guitar processor for electric guitar work, Music Man Sub Bass (4 string), Fender Stratcaster, Epiphone Acoustic, Mapex Meridian drum kit and various percussion instruments. A Yamaha PSR 280 keyboard for drum click tracks and for some additional sounds as required. The studio boasts a 16 track mutirecording functionality using a Tascam US -1641 sound card.

Typically, the recording process involves instruments being multi tracked, especially for the more involved songs. Songs of a simpler nature can be recorded and captured live. Costing is at $25/hour + GST for studio time.

BassRick Ltd is predominantly a company designed for the manufacture and marketing of music. However over time, the function of BassRick Ltd has expanded into several other avenues. The studio and company premises are based in CARTERTON, New Zealand and is owned by John Mabey.

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